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Generative AI models have shown tremendous usefulness in increasing accessibility and automation of a wide range of tasks. Yet, their application to the biomedical domain is still limited, in part due to the lack of a common framework for deploying, testing, and evaluating the diverse models and auxiliary technologies that are needed. biochatter is a Python package implementing a generic backend library for the connection of biomedical applications to conversational AI. We describe the framework in this preprint; for a more hands-on experience, check out our two web app implementations:

BioChatter is part of the BioCypher ecosystem, connecting natively to BioCypher knowledge graphs. The BioChatter paper is being written here and the current version can be read here.

BioChatter Overview

Hot Topics

BioChatter natively extends BioCypher knowledge graphs. Check there for more information.

We have also recently published a perspective on connecting knowledge and machine learning to enable causal reasoning in biomedicine, with a particular focus on the currently emerging "foundation models." You can read it here.


To use the package, install it from PyPI, for instance using pip (pip install biochatter) or Poetry (poetry add biochatter).


The package has some optional dependencies that can be installed using the following extras (e.g. pip install biochatter[xinference]):

  • xinference: support for querying open-source LLMs through Xorbits Inference

  • ollama: support for querying open-source LLMs through Ollama

  • podcast: support for podcast text-to-speech (for the free Google TTS; the paid OpenAI TTS can be used without this extra)

  • streamlit: support for streamlit UI functions (used in BioChatter Light)

License: MIT Python PyPI version Downloads CI Latest image Image size Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Code style PRs Welcome Contributor Covenant

Documentation and Tutorials

For a description of the features of the framework, see the Features option in the main menu. For examples of usage and customisation, check out the Vignettes section. For a more detailed reference of functions and classes, see the API Reference.