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API Calling


BioChatter provides access to biological databases through chat via the API Agent. It is designed to interact with various external APIs and provides a structured approach to generating queries, fetching results, and interpreting the responses from different API services.

    participant User/Primary Agent
    participant APIAgent
    participant External Software

    External Software ->> APIAgent: API definition
    User/Primary Agent ->> APIAgent: question
    APIAgent ->> APIAgent: parameterise API
    APIAgent ->> APIAgent: generate API query
    APIAgent ->> External Software: submit query (optional)
    APIAgent ->> External Software: fetch result
    External Software ->> APIAgent: return result
    APIAgent ->> APIAgent: summarise / interpret (optional)
    APIAgent ->> User/Primary Agent: return results

Example: OncoKB Integration

The OncoKB API integration allows users to query oncologically relevant genomic information. Here's a minimal working example:

from biochatter.llm_connect import GptConversation
from biochatter.api_agent.base.api_agent import APIAgent
from biochatter.api_agent.web.oncokb import OncoKBQueryBuilder, OncoKBFetcher, OncoKBInterpreter

# Set up a conversation factory (you might need to adjust this based on your setup)
def conversation_factory():
    return GptConversation(model_name="gpt-4", prompts={}, correct=False)

# Create an API agent for OncoKB
oncokb_agent = APIAgent(

# Execute a query
question = "What is the oncogenic potential of BRAF V600E mutation?"
result = oncokb_agent.execute(question)


This example demonstrates how to set up and use the OncoKB API agent to query genomic information. The execute method handles the entire process of query generation, API interaction, and result interpretation.

Core components

The API agent module is organized into three main submodules:

  • base: Contains core abstractions and base classes
  • web: Implementations for web-based APIs (e.g., OncoKB, BLAST)
  • python: Implementations for Python package APIs (e.g., Scanpy)

API Agent

The main class that orchestrates the API interaction process, located in biochatter.api_agent.base.api_agent.

Key Methods:

  • execute(question: str) -> Optional[str]: Executes the full API interaction pipeline.

  • parameterise_query(question: str) -> Optional[BaseModel]: Generates a structured query based on the input question.

  • fetch_results(query_model: "BaseModel") -> Optional[str]: Retrieves results from the API.

  • summarise_results(question: str, response_text: str) -> Optional[str]: Interprets and summarizes the API response with respect to the question.


The QueryParameters class is a Pydantic model that defines the structure and validation rules for API query parameters. It serves several important purposes:

  • Structure Definition: It clearly defines all the parameters required for an API call, including their types and default values.

  • Validation: Pydantic automatically validates the data, ensuring that all required fields are present and that the data types are correct.

  • Documentation: Each field can include a description, providing clear documentation for developers and assisting the LLM in understanding how to use each parameter.

  • Type Hinting: It provides type hints, improving code readability and enabling better IDE support.

  • Serialization: The Pydantic model can easily be serialized to and deserialized from JSON, facilitating data transfer.

Base Classes

Located in biochatter.api_agent.base.agent_abc:


Abstract base class for creating query builders specific to different APIs.

Key Methods:

  • create_runnable(query_parameters: BaseModel, conversation: Conversation) -> Callable: Creates runnable object for executing queries.

  • parameterise_query(question: str, conversation: Conversation) -> BaseModel: Generates a parameterized query object based on the input question.


An abstract base class for implementing API-specific data fetching logic.

Key Method:

  • fetch_results(query_model): Submits the query to the API and retrieves the results.


An abstract base class for implementing API-specific response interpretation logic.

Key Method:

  • summarise_results(question: str, conversation_factory: Callable, response_text: str) -> str: Summarizes and interprets the API response.

Setting up a new API integration


Create specific implementations of QueryParameters, BaseQueryBuilder, BaseFetcher, and BaseInterpreter for your target API and design prompts. Instantiate an APIAgent with these components. Use the execute method of APIAgent to process questions and interact with the API.

1. Specific QueryParameters

For each field in your API call a Pydantic field is created. The description must be clear and concise to be understandable by a LLM so that it will fill the field with the appropriate arguments.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class NewAPIQueryParameters(BaseModel):
    endpoint: str = Field(..., description="API endpoint")
    param1: str = Field(..., description="Description of param1")
    param2: int = Field(default=0, description="Description of param2")
    # Add more parameters as needed

2. Prompt design

QUERY_PROMPT: instructions for structured output to write NewAPI call.

Create a prompt that will allow the LLM to obtain sufficient context to fill the Fields in the NewAPIQueryParameters class. Always keep the first two sentences. Secondly, provide instructions on how to interpret questions. Finally, for LLMs with large context windows the entire API documentation can be copy pasted inside of the prompt. Examples of API calls to retrieve the relevant information to a question should also be provided.

You are a world class algorithm for creating queries in structured formats. Your task is to use OncoKB Web APIs to answer genomic questions.

SUMMARY_PROMPT: Instructions on how to interpret and answer user questions based on retrieved information

Follow prompt design below, replace NewAPI accordingly. If results are not satisfactory, engineer the prompts further.

You have to answer this question in a clear and concise manner: {question} Be factual!\n\
You are a world leading NewAPI domain specialist who knows everything about NewAPI results.\n\
Do not make up information, only use the provided information and mention how relevant the found information is based on your knowledge about NewAPI\n\
Here is the information relevant to the question found on NewAPI:\n\

3. Implement QueryBuilder

Create a class that inherits from BaseQueryBuilder:

from biochatter.api_agent.base.agent_abc import BaseQueryBuilder

class NewAPIQueryBuilder(BaseQueryBuilder):
    def create_runnable(self,
        query_parameters: NewAPIQueryParameters,
        conversation: Conversation
        ) -> Callable:
        # Implement method to create a runnable query object
        return create_structured_output_runnable(
    def parameterise_query(self,
        question: str,
        conversation: Conversation
        ) -> NewAPIQueryParameters:
        # Implement method to generate API parameters from a question
        runnable = self.create_runnable(
        NewAPI_call_obj = runnable.invoke(
            {"input": f"Answer:\n{question} based on:\n {NewAPI_QUERY_PROMPT}"}
       NewAPI_call_obj.question_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        return NewAPI_call_obj

4. Implement Fetcher

Create a class that inherits from BaseFetcher. Adapt request header in initiation if specific API tokens are required, and implement a logic to build the full URL required for the API call from NewAPIQueryParameters, and execute it.

The fetch_results method should return the response text from the API. If this is a two-stage process (e.g., submitting a query and then retrieving the results), you should implement the necessary logic to handle this. You can look at the BLAST fetcher for an example (

It may be useful to tune the retries parameter to handle network issues or, as in the case of BLAST, the computational time required to process the query.

NOTE: if the response is too large for your LLM context window you may have to reduce its size in some way.

from biochatter.api_agent.base.agent_abc import BaseFetcher

class NewAPIFetcher(BaseFetcher):
        def __init__(self,):
        self.headers = {
        self.base_url = ""

    def fetch_results(
        query_model: NewAPIQueryParameters,
        retries: int = 3,
    ) -> str:
    #implement your logic here
    return results_response.text

5. Implement Interpreter

Create a class that inherits from BaseInterpreter and adapt the system prompt to NewAPI.

from biochatter.api_agent.base.agent_abc import BaseInterpreter

class NewAPIInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
    def summarise_results(self,
        question: str,
        conversation_factory: Callable,
        response_text: str) -> str:

        prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
                    "You are a world NewAPI specialist who knows everything about NewAPI topic and its results.",
                ("user", "{input}"),
        summary_prompt = NewAPI_SUMMARY_PROMPT.format(
            question=question, context=response_text
        output_parser = StrOutputParser()
        conversation = conversation_factory()
        chain = prompt | | output_parser
        answer = chain.invoke({"input": {summary_prompt}})
        return answer

6. Integrate with APIAgent

Once you have implemented all components, you can use them with the APIAgent:

from biochatter.api_agent.base.api_agent import APIAgent

new_api_agent = APIAgent(

result = new_api_agent.execute("Your question here")