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Reflexion Agent

While current LLMs have many capabilities, their outputs can be unstable at times. To stabilise responses and allow more complex agent workflows, we have introduced a Reflexion Agent, allowing agents to reflect on their experiences, score their output, and self-improve.


The workflow of a Reflexion Agent is composed of individual nodes that can either generate or consume data as follows:

flowchart TD
    START --> Draft
    Draft --> ExecuteTool
    ExecuteTool --> Revise
    Revise --> ShouldContinue?
    ShouldContinue? -->|no| END
    ShouldContinue? -->|yes| ExecuteTool
Draft: in this node, an LLM is initially prompted to generate a specific text and action. (mem <- AIMessage(...)).

Execute tool: this node executes a tool function based on an action/text generated in the previous node. (mem <- ToolMessage(...)).

Revise: this node scores the output of the tool call and generates a self-reflection to provide feedback aimed at improving the results. (mem <- AIMessage(...)).

Evaluate (ShouldContinue): this node assesses the quality of the generated outputs.

Memory (mem): a list of BaseMessage.


The ReflexionAgent class can be used to implement a reflexion workflow. Here, we demonstrate the ability to generate Cypher queries based on user's question using the KGQueryReflexionAgent class, which is derived from the abstract ReflexionAgent base class.

To use the KGQueryReflexionAgent:

  1. We pass in connection arguments that enable connection to the target graph database and a conversation factory, which can create an instance of GptConversation (see Basic Usage: Chat).
import os
from biochatter.llm_connect import GptConversation
from biochatter.kg_langgraph_agent import KGQueryReflexionAgent
def create_conversation():
    conversation = GptConversation(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", prompts={})
    conversation.set_api_key(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"), user="my_user")
    return conversation

connection_args = {
    "host": "",
    "port": "7687",

agent = KGQueryReflexionAgent(
  1. We generate the basic Knowledge Graph prompt for the LLM based on a user's question with the BioCypherPromptEngine, which provides node info, edge info, and node and edge properties based on the user's question.
from biochatter.prompts import BioCypherPromptEngine
prompt_engine = BioCypherPromptEngine(
    schema_config_or_info_dict=schema_dict,  # the schema definition of our graph
kg_prompt = prompt_engine.generate_query_prompt(question)
  1. We can now use the agent to generate and reflect on the Cypher query and optimise it.
cypher_query = agent.execute(question, kg_prompt)


To use the ReflexionAgent class, we need to implement the following abstract methods:

  1. _tool_function(self, state: List[BaseMessage]): execute tool function based on previous action/text and return ToolMessage

  2. _create_initial_responder(self, prompt: Option[str]): create draft responder, which is used to generate the initial answer

  3. _create_revise_responder(self, prompt: Optional[str]): create revise responder, which is used to score outputs and revise the answers

  4. _log_step_message(self, step: int, node: str, output: BaseMessage): parse step message and generate logs

  5. _log_final_result(self, output: BaseMessage): parse final result and generate logs

  6. _parse_final_result(self, output: BaseMessage): parse final result

As an example, we use the implementation that can reflect on the task of generating a knowledge graph query. The KGQueryReflexionAgent derived from ReflexionAgent is the main class to perform this task. In the KGQueryReflexionAgent, we have implemented the abstract methods described above:

  1. _tool_function(self, state: List[BaseMessage]): connect to kg database and query KG in draft/revise node

  2. _create_initial_responder(self, prompt: Option[str]): create initial responder, which prompts LLM to generate the query

initial prompts:

        "As a senior biomedical researcher and graph database expert, "
        f"your task is to generate '{query_lang}' queries to extract data from our graph database based on the user's question. "
        """Current time {time}. {instruction}"""
    "Only generate query according to the user's question above.",

Initial answer schema:

class GenerateQuery(BaseModel):
    """Generate the query."""

    answer: str = Field(
        description="Cypher query for graph database according to user's question."
    reflection: str = Field(
        description="Your reflection on the initial answer, critique of what to improve"
    search_queries: List[str] = Field(description="query for graph database")
  1. _create_revise_responder(self, prompt: Optional[str]): create revise responder, which prompts LLM to score the outputs, reflects on the outputs, and revises the current query

Revise prompts:

Revise your previous query using the query result and follow the guidelines:
1. If you consistently obtain empty results, please consider removing constraints such as relationship constraints to try to obtain a result.
2. You should use previous critique to improve your query.
3. Only generate a query without returning any other text.

Revise answer schema:

class ReviseQuery(GenerateQuery):
    """Revise your previous query according to your question."""

    revised_query: str = Field(description=REVISED_QUERY_"Revised query"DESCRIPTION)
    score: str = Field(description=(
    "the score for the query based on its query result"
    " and relevance to the user's question,"
    " with 0 representing the lowest score and 10 representing the highest score."))
  1. _log_step_message(self, step: int, node: str, output: BaseMessage): parse message from current step and generate logs

  2. _log_final_result(self, output: BaseMessage): parse final result and generate logs

  3. _parse_final_result(self, output: BaseMessage): parse final result

  4. _should_continue(self, state: List[BaseMessage]): assess output and determine if we can exit loop based on the following rules: 1). if loop steps are greater than limit (30 or user defined), exit 2). if score in previous revise node is greater than 7, exit 3). if query result in execute_tool node is not empty, exit