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Vignette: Knowledge Graph RAG

This vignette demonstrates the KG module of BioChatter as used by the BioChatter Next application. We connect to a BioCypher knowledge graph (KG) to retrieve relevant information for a given question. We then use the retrieved information to generate a response to the question. The application can connect to any real-world BioCypher KG by providing the connection details in the KG Settings dialog.


For the demonstration purposes of this vignette, we include a demo KG based on an open-source dataset of crime statistics in Manchester, because it allows us to redistribute the KG due to its small size and public domain licence, and because it is easily understood. This is non-trivial for most biomedical datasets; however, we are currently working on a synthetic biomedical example to extend this vignette. This is the schema of the demo KG:

graph LR;
    Person(:Person) -- KNOWS --> Person
    Person -- FAMILY_REL --> Person
    Person -- LIVES_AT --> Location(:Location)
    Person -- PARTY_TO --> Crime(:Crime)
    Person -- MADE_CALL --> PhoneCall(:PhoneCall)
    Person -- RECEIVED_CALL --> PhoneCall
    Crime -- INVESTIGATED_BY --> Officer(:Officer)
    Crime -- OCCURRED_AT --> Location
    Object(:Object) -- INVOLVED_IN --> Crime

The KG is adapted from a Neo4j tutorial, and is available as a BioCypher adapter including a BioChatter Light integration here. We also include it in an optional BioChatter Next Docker Compose configuration to allow trying it out locally.


In BioChatter Next, we first activate the KG functionality by clicking on the KG Settings button in the sidebar. In the settings dialog, we can activate the KG functionality and select how many results we want to retrieve. Returning to the conversation and enabling the KG functionality for the current chat (directly above the send button), we can then ask the model about the KG. The language model we use in this vignette is, as in the RAG vignette, gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 (deprecated as of July 16 2024). The conversation is pasted below for convenience, including the queries generated by BioChatter.

KG Demo

In the background, the RagAgent module of BioChatter receives the question and generates a query to retrieve the desired information. This is then passed back to the primary model, which includes it in its answer generation.


The native integration of BioCypher KGs into the BioChatter framework allows for a seamless integration of KGs into the conversational AI. This in turn facilitates knowledge accessibility in a wide range of application domains.

Note: the apparent inability of GPT to understand certain directionalities, and how BioChatter compensates for this

Interestingly, while gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 mostly does a formidable job at translating natural language questions into Cypher queries, it is remarkably obtuse in certain instances. For instance, for the relationship INVESTIGATED_BY, which connects a Crime to an Officer, GPT consistently fails to understand that the relationship implies that the Officer is the one who investigates the Crime. Instead, it consistently interprets the relationship as if the Crime investigates the Officer: it consistently proposes the query MATCH (o:Officer)-[:INVESTIGATED_BY]->(c:Crime) RETURN c, o instead of the correct MATCH (c:Crime)-[:INVESTIGATED_BY]->(o:Officer) RETURN c, o. We were not able to change this behaviour with any contextual prompt instructions.

For this reason, the BioChatter module uses the knowledge we have about the directionality of edges in the BioCypher KG to only propose options for patterns that actually exist in the KG. In the instance of INVESTIGATED_BY, this is the corresponding YAML definition in BioCypher:

investigated by:
    is_a: [fact, core]
    represented_as: edge
    label_as_edge: INVESTIGATED_BY
    input_label: INVESTIGATED_BY
    source: crime
    target: officer

The presence of the source and target annotations allows us to provide only the correct options to the LLM, which in turn allows the LLM to generate the correct query.

Strikingly, this even applies to GPT-4 and ChatGPT, which we used to generate the Mermaid diagram above. The model immediately proposed a correct Mermaid diagram for most of the entire schema definition YAML file, except for the relationship between Crime and Officer, which it reversed. Via the YAML we provide in the prompt, GPT has access to the correct directionality, but it still fails to understand it.

graph LR;
    Person(:Person) -- KNOWS --> Person
    Person -- FAMILY_REL --> Person
    Person -- LIVES_AT --> Location(:Location)
    Person -- PARTY_TO --> Crime(:Crime)
    Person -- MADE_CALL --> PhoneCall(:PhoneCall)
    Person -- RECEIVED_CALL --> PhoneCall
    Officer(:Officer) -- INVESTIGATED_BY --> Crime
    Crime -- OCCURRED_AT --> Location
    Object(:Object) -- INVOLVED_IN --> Crime

    classDef node fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    class Person,Officer,Location,Crime,PhoneCall,Object node;

Here is the full chat for reference.


The boxes below the BioChatter responses in the conversation show the queries generated by the RagAgent module.

Message From You

How many crimes happened in total?

Message From BioChatter

According to the provided statement, the total number of crimes is 28,762. This information suggests that there have been 28,762 reported crimes in the given context. However, without additional information or context, it is difficult to determine the specific time period, location, or nature of these crimes. It's important to note that crime statistics can vary depending on the source, methodology, and reporting practices. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult official crime reports or local law enforcement agencies for the most accurate and up-to-date information on crime statistics.

MATCH (c:Crime)
RETURN count(c) AS numberOfCrimes

Message From You

Where happened most crimes?

Message From BioChatter

Based on the provided statement, it appears that the location with the highest number of crimes is a parking area, with a total of 811 reported crimes. However, without additional context or information, it is difficult to determine the consistency or inconsistency of this statement with other available information. It is important to note that crime rates and locations can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the region, city, neighborhood, and specific time period being considered. To provide a more comprehensive analysis, it would be helpful to have access to a broader dataset or additional information about the specific location and its crime statistics.

MATCH (c:Crime)-[:OCCURRED_AT]->(l:Location)
RETURN l.address AS location, COUNT(c) AS crimeCount
ORDER BY crimeCount DESC

Message From You

Who were the top 3 offenders?

Message From BioChatter

Based on the provided information, the top three offenders are:

  1. Phillip Williamson: According to the information given, Phillip Williamson has committed 5 crimes.

  2. Jessica Kelly: The information states that Jessica Kelly has also committed 5 crimes.

  3. Brian Morales: The data indicates that Brian Morales has committed 4 crimes.

These three individuals, Phillip Williamson, Jessica Kelly, and Brian Morales, are the top offenders based on the number of crimes they have committed.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:PARTY_TO]->(c:Crime)
RETURN, p.surname, COUNT(c) AS num_crimes
ORDER BY num_crimes DESC