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Basic Usage: Chat

BioChatter provides access to chat functionality via the Conversation class, which is implemented in several child classes (in the module) to account for differences in APIs of the LLMs.

Setting up the conversation

To start a conversation, we can initialise the Conversation class (here exemplified by GPT):

from biochatter.llm_connect import GptConversation

conversation = GptConversation(

It is possible to supply a dictionary of prompts to the conversation from the outset, which is formatted in a way to correspond to the different roles of the conversation, i.e., primary and correcting models. Prompts with the primary_model_prompts key will be appended to the System Messages of the primary model, and correcting_agent_prompts will be appended to the System Messages of the correction model at setup. If we pass a dictionary without these keys (or an empty one), there will be no system messages appended to the models. They can however be introduced later by using the following method:

conversation.append_system_message("System Message")

Similarly, the user queries (HumanMessage) are passed to the conversation using conversation.append_user_message("User Message"). For purposes of keeping track of the conversation history, we can also append the model's responses as AIMessage using conversation.append_ai_message.

Querying the model

After setting up the conversation in this way, for instance by establishing a flattery component (e.g. 'You are an assistant to a researcher ...'), the model can be queried using the query function.

msg, token_usage, correction = conversation.query('Question here')

Note that a query will automatically append a user message to the message history, so there is no need to call append_user_message() again. The query function returns the actual answer of the model (msg), the token usage statistics reported by the API (token_usage), and an optional correction that contains the opinion of the corrective agent.

Using OpenAI models

Using an OpenAI model via the API is generally the easiest way to get started, but requires the provision of an API key to the OpenAI API. To do this, you can designate the OPENAI_API_KEY variable in your environment directly (export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...) by adding it to your shell configuration (e.g., the zshrc).